Breaking News: Deadspin Uncovers The Photos Of Greg Hardy's Girlfriend After He Tried To Kill Her
Okay so Deadspin had this big expose on Greg Hardy today. To their credit they somehow uncovered police pictures of Greg Hardy’s ex girlfriend Nicole Holder the night he tried to kill her. Sidenote how did TMZ not get these first? Anyway this is going to be a huge story but it really shouldn’t be. Why? Because those pictures look exactly how I expected them to look. In fact if anything I was expecting worse. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad Deadspin dug them up. I’m glad people keep focusing on Greg Hardy and not brushing it under the rug now that’s he’s playing again. But the 911 call is just as disturbing and chilling and that’s been available forever.
Bottomline is we’ve known that Greg Hardy is a scumbag who basically tried to murder his girlfriend for a long time. And truthfully as much as I despise Roger Goodell the blame lies more with Jerry Jones and our legal system here. Greg Hardy bought Nicole Holder off so she wouldn’t press charges. That’s a decision she made. I don’t think the NFL can legally ban him for something he didn’t get convicted for. To me that is the bigger issue. It shouldn’t matter Nicole Holder wouldn’t cooperate anymore. The evidence and 911 call was overwhelming. Clearly he beat her. Cleary he should be in jail. But the fact he didn’t actually get convicted means the NFL’s hands are sort of tied.
Yeah it’s fucked up that Goodell will rant and rave about integrity and ethics and will go to the mattresses over Deflategate, while rolling over with domestic violence, but the decision shouldn’t even be his. And as long as you have guys like Jerry Jones who will win at all costs guys like Greg Hardy will have a job. The only way to stop it is for consumers to boycott the NFL or their advertisers and we all know that’s never going to happen. Instead it will be just more of the same. The NFL lying to our faces that they care about anything but the bottomline. Yes these pictures are horrific but you shouldn’t feel any different about Greg Hardy today than you did yesterday.
PS – The NFL and Jerry Jones had to know these pictures were eventually going to be released. I’m sure they knew this day was coming and I’m sure they don’t care.