Toss Up - Who Had More Courtside Sizzle Last Night, Vin Diesel Or Slick Billy Clinton
Listen, if you ask me who I would rather hang out with for a night, it’s Bill Clinton hands down. Slick Willy would be an all time story guy, all time. But if we’re talking about who won in a courtside seat off? I’m going with Vin Diesel. Simple math.
1 – Wearing a shirt with your face on it and somehow pulling it off.
Plus 1 – Bill getting absolutely cuckholded by this dude’s hand grip. Come on man, you’re a former President, you manhandle other guys in pictures not the other way around.
Other notables. This guy who I think is wearing a plaid t-shirt under his black t-shirt. Fucking Brooklyn.
And this lady who is day dreaming about Vinny.
Can’t blame her.