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Lena Dunham Quits The Internet Over Verbal Abuse


Hollywood Reporter - “I really appreciate that anybody follows me at all, and so I didn’t want to cut off my relationship to [Twitter] completely, but it really, truly wasn’t a safe space for me.” Lena Dunham has called it quits with Twitter. On hourlong podcast Re/code Decode, the Girls co-creator revealed that she has freed herself of social media hate and now has someone else tweet messages on her personal account. “I don’t look at Twitter anymore. I tweet, but I do it through someone else,” she told host Kara Swisher, adding that she doesn’t even know her account password. “I really appreciate that anybody follows me at all, and so I didn’t want to cut off my relationship to it completely, but it really, truly wasn’t a safe space for me.”  The decision came partly due to the “verbal abuse” and body-shaming comments Dunham received after posting a photo on Instagram of her wearing just a sports bra and her boyfriend’s boxers. “It wasn’t a graphic picture,” said Dunham. “I was wearing men’s boxers, and it turned into the most rabid, disgusting debate about women’s bodies, and my Instagram page was somehow the hub for misogynists for the afternoon.”  She added, “Even if you think, like, ‘Oh I can read, like, 10 mentions that say I should be stoned to death and kind of, like, laugh and move on,’ that’s verbal abuse. Those aren’t words that should be directed at you ever. And so, for me personally, it was safer to stop [using Twitter].” (Dunham is still active on Instagram.) Dunham noted that she also has quit reading media sites, such as Gawker, telling Swisher, “I used to read Gawker and Jezebel in college and be like, ‘I can’t wait to get to New York where my people will be to welcome me.’ And it’s like, it’s literally, if I read it, it’s like going back to a husband who beat me in the face — it just doesn’t make any sense.”

Lena Dunham is dead! She’s Internet Dead!


We did it you guys. We fucking did it. We drove the loudest, most over the top, melodramatic bag of milk from the internet. One of the greatest accomplishments since we won World War 2. And while I know this was a group effort driven by millions upon millions of people who hate this mouthy potato, we cannot ignore the fact that I posted yesterday’s blog and a mere 12 hours later she quit the internet. This was the Flowchart That Defeated Feminism:


It was the straw that broke the ugly girl’s back. Her internet career, dead. She’s been booted from the Bandwagon. Today is a better place.

And on a real note, is this chick really crying that she was getting made fun of after posting this picture:


Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense. There are legitimately beautiful, near flawless models who post pictures on the internet that get trolls saying they are fat and ugly. You post a picture of your lumpy body all hunched over in mens underwear and are shocked when the response is negative? Welcome to the internet, yo. For real use your brain. When you post unflattering pictures of yourself you gotta have a sense of humor about it and thick skin. Block out the haters if you wanna be out here with millions of followers and shit. Or just dont post those pictures at all. Its one or the other. But you cant have all the attention and the TV and the book deals and not expect negative people. ESPECIALLY when that TV show is you flaunting your gross tits around all the time. ESPECIALLY when your books are memoirs about ridiculous sexual experiences with your infant sister. When you’re constantly inserting yourself into controversial news stories, making up rape stories, and taking hard stances as the champion of feminism, you’re gonna get hate. You asked for the attention you got it.

And yet again we see another feminist with a ridiculously exaggerated comparison – “I can’t wait to get to New York where my people will be to welcome me.’ And it’s like, it’s literally, if I read it, it’s like going back to a husband who beat me in the face.” Bitch go ask a woman who was actually abused by a man how she feels about you comparing that situation to you posting pictures of yourself in your underwear and not liking the feedback. Grow the fuck up. Or stay off the internet. I prefer the latter.