I Love That Sepp Blatter Is Going Full Villain And Now Refusing To Step Down
(AP) — Sepp Blatter told his staff he has done “nothing illegal or improper” and has no immediate plans to step down, the FIFA president’s legal team said Monday. Blatter was back at FIFA headquarters three days after being interrogated by Swiss investigators at the scandal-battered governing body’s headquarters. Blatter is expected to hand over power in February when an emergency election is held, triggered by the president’s resignation statement four days after being re-elected for a fifth, four-year term in May. But the 79-year-old Blatter does not appear to be planning any sudden exit despite being the subject of a criminal investigation over his management of world soccer. “President Blatter spoke to FIFA staff today and informed the staff that he was cooperating with the authorities, reiterated that he had done nothing illegal or improper and stated that he would remain as president of FIFA,” Blatter’s attorney, Richard Cullen, said in a statement.
This is kind of like what we talk about with Lebron and ARod all the time, once you go full heel it’s impossible not to like you. Sepp’s done just that, ages ago, but he continues to double down. Oh I’m the most powerful soccer man in the world, under investigation for how it’s an insanely corrupt and horrible organization? Yeah, the only person who can suspend me is me, and after an intense investigation I have come to realize that I did nothing wrong. There was nothing illegal or improper about how I’ve obtained all my bribes. Nothing wrong with how a slave state that’s as hot as the sun came to win the World Cup. Everything is above water, and I’m gonna stick around in order to prove just that. All payments I received were exactly what I deserved for my work. Investigation over. If Goodell did this shit I’d have no choice but to love him. Instead he does the robot bullshit. Go big or go home, Roger. Give us all the finger and make it clear that you’re untouchable, at least I can respect that.