Chris Broussard Does It Again, Reports Tristan Thompson Signing Even Though He Didn't Sign Because That's How The #BrouCrew Rolls
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Then in come some stupid beat reporting piss ants that don’t know shit about journalism and sources.
Then Broussard from the top rope!
WILLING. Does it matter that WILLING wasn’t in his initial report? Fuck no, you shoot first add qualifiers that completely change what you tweeted as breaking news, second. That’s how reporting works. Never seen a group of reporters so jealous of the King. It doesn’t matter if you’re right, it matters that you’re first. Clean up the mess at a later date because by the time you even see the word SOURCES in a Chris Broussard report, it’s too late, he’s on to the next scoop and you’re eating dust. Later Haters, #BrouCrew out. Somewhere Mort should say thank you to Chris for restoring the honor of reporting.
Marry Broussard (but not in a gay way)
K Joe Vardon
K Jason Lloyd
Final answer. Taste it.