Here Are A Bunch Of Videos From Inside Kinnick When Marshall Koehn Hit The Game Winner For Iowa
I could watch those videos all damn day and I just might. Kinnick Stadium. Night game. Spirit night. Walk off 57-yard winning field goal as time expires. 3-0. It doesn’t get much better than that. A boozed up Kinnick crowd is a good Kinnick crowd. I’ve watched the video of Koehn making the kick no less than 50 times. I was so nervous before the kick I was pacing non-stop around my apartment. Palms like faucets. It’s still funny that Koehn missed his first one but Pitt called a timeout so he got a redo. That was a special win. Shades of Daniel Murray (also #1) beating Penn State back in 2008. Obviously different circumstances because Penn State was ranked #3 in the country at the time but last night’s setting was pretty similar. Just a great win. Onto the next one.