How Are The NFL Owners Allowing Roger Goodell To Appeal This Decision?
SOME set of balls by Goodell saying he looks forward to focusing on football and the opening of the regular season? Hey, Rog, if you actually wanted to focus on football then you would. It’s entirely in your ability to not possibly drag this out for two more years. You have complete control over that. So don’t feed me that bullshit.
But, secondly, how are the owners allowing him to do this? You guys are his boss. For the last month or two we’ve heard owners whispering that this has gotten out of hand. They’ve said that both anonymously and outright. So now they’re going to allow Roger to appeal this nonsense? That’s outrageous. All legal experts say it will go on for years, it will cost the league an obscene amount of money in legal fees and even more in bad press. Just take your beating, Roger. You lost. You lost just like you’ve lost every time you’ve been taken to court, because, believe it or not, you’re not allowed to be a dictator. You’re not allowed to make up rules and make up punishments. You may think the CBA says that, but federal judge after federal judge has told you that you’re wrong. So unless Kim Jung Un is willing to side with you and hear this case then it’s over. Throw in the towel. Because here, in America, we believe in liberty and justice for all. Today we got that. If you had half a brain you’d make good on your “focusing on football” word, but you won’t. A people should know when they’re conquered, Roger. Let it go.