Video: Guy Punches a Guy's Girlfriend in a Parking Lot, It Does Not Turn Out Well For Him
Think he’s regretting punching that chick now? Didn’t really turn out the way he expected it to. Sometimes you’re the dog, sometimes you’re the hydrant, and sometimes you’re the hydrant getting your ass kicked every which way to Sunday. And you have to kinda love the girl getting some kicks in too while the dude is out cold, then immediately yelling “Let’s go, let’s go!” Wait, let me kick him a few more times first though! But my favorite part of the whole thing is the high as a kite guy filming it. Just shows that when you’re high, you’re pretty much invisible. He’s just out there giggling and filming some guy’s murder, not a care in the world. Giddy as a school girl the entire time. Probably thinking about what gas station food he’s gonna grab after the fight is done, not even realizing he just saw a guy get knocked into the 14th century. Gotta assume he’s going to go with a Chipwich. He seems like a Chipwich kinda guy.
h/t Matt