Speak Now (Taylor's Version) Comes Out Tonight, Everyone Be On Your Best Behavior
The day has finally come. Speak Now (Taylor's Version) comes out at midnight, and it's about to be the album of the summer.
I know the people that don't get what's going on here with Taylor and all of her albums don't appreciate something like this, but the Speak Now album is something a lot of people have really been looking forward to. For me, it was the album that really got me into Taylor and had me viewing her songwriting/lyrics through a lens past "fun country bops." Summer 2010 Kelly Keegs was driving 80 miles an hour on back roads in Flemington, New Jersey screaming "The Story Of Us" at full volume. I almost got a boyfriend named John, just so I could break up with him and sing "Dear John" like it was made for me. It's top, to bottom, perfect. Zero skips. Rumors are, we may even get an Enchanted music video!!!
All that being said, I need everyone to be on their best fucking behavior today. I know we're excited to hear all of our favorites, but WAIT until TV drops (Scumbag Scooter doesn't deserve the streams) and DON'T LEAK IT ONLINE!!! Mother sees and knows all!!! SHE DESERVES RESPECT!!!!
Meed me at midnight ;)