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George Santos Was Arrested On Federal Charges This Morning LOL

Xinhua. Shutterstock Images.

Santos, the New York Republican infamous for fabricating key parts of his life story, was arrested Wednesday on federal criminal charges ahead of an expected court appearance.

The indictment says Santos induced supporters to donate to a company under the false pretense that the money would be used to support his campaign. Instead, it says, he used it for personal expenses, including luxury designer clothes and to pay off his credit cards.

Santos also is accused of lying about his finances on congressional disclosure forms and applying for and receiving unemployment benefits while he was employed as regional director of an investment firm and running for Congress.

Giphy Images.

Goodness gracious what a ride this year has been for ole Georgey Boy. The guy simply does not care about being a liar. It's incredible. Honestly, you almost have to respect it. I cannot wait until they get to the part where George has to say "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me god." When it comes to Congressman Santos, we might not be able to handle the truth. 

The list of things the representative has lied about is long. Ready?

1. Where he went to college

2. Where he went to prep school

3. That he worked at banks

4. He ran a charity (but instead defrauded people and shelter dogs)

5. That he was Jewish and his family escaped the holocaust 

6. He knew victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting

7. He owned real estate. He said he owned more than a dozen. He owns zero

8. His mother died twice

9. His apartment was robbed

10. He goes by George Santos and Anthony Devolder

11. He wasn't a drag queen in Brazil

12. Mastermind of credit card skimming scan

13. Many more

An absolute moron on every imaginable level. Anyway, I hope he takes the stand in his trial. Keeping all of those lies together is gonna be tougher than holding a gallon of water in your hands. 

Imagine the excuse he's going to come up with to get a continuance. Cant wait.