How Should One React To This Dude Taking Up 2 Spaces, Damaging My Car, And Then Leaving A Note Blaming MY Park Job?
"Think twice next time. I won't be this kind!"
Wait..what? So kind to take up 2 spots, damage my car, and then blame me for your wife not being able to get in? Sure thing, pal. And, yes, I drive a little, white, helpless 2018 Mitsubishi. Hardos, commence:
Look, I'm no high roller like El Presidente in his Bronco or Eddie riding dirty in his Tesla. I'm a married father chode virgin ass whose job and/or hobbies require little to no manual labor. I don't need a pimp mobile. I don't need a truck. If she's safe and she runs, fine by me. And I gotta say this life is better than the one I had with the Shitty Saab before Barstool moved to NYC…
But to the actual, real people of these internets, I ask you genuinely: What's the play? Obviously we're in the right via photographic evidence/reality. Do we track down who it is for damages to the car and/or respect? Or, and we're really going out on a limb with this one, do we chalk it up as possibly some Dad/Grampa having a rough go with the wife trying to park around the holidays and lost his shit?
I really don't care about the damage. It's a little scratch and micro dent. Shit happens. Even the parking can be forgiven if they're in maniac mode to make the train or were late struggling to wrangle the kids or something. However, I very much care someone took up two spaces in a packed, rush hour train station, damaged a vehicle parked well within the lines, and then someway, somehow had that audacity to write this note blaming others. As the wise George Costanza says…
Help you, help me. Let me hear the correct play. Right now the only issue I have is the culprit's age. If we're talking about a senior citizen whose wife had to have a "Younger Person" help, we Midas Whale wait it out and let Father Time run its course. Under 50? Might need to release the hounds.