
Tom Says The New Blink Record Is The Best Album They've Ever Made


Well then I'd say you're just being a silly goose, Tom. But we are all very excited to hear it anyway!

If I had to realistically put odds on the new Blink album being the absolute best album of their career, I'd say it's the same odds as our beloved Washington Commanders winning the Super Bowl this season. It's still possible, but highly unlikely. I mean, the bar is just set too high. The Commanders secondary stopping Josh Allen? It's just not going to happen. And that's what blink is dealing with- they have to compete with Enema of the State, TOYPAJ, and the Untitled album. (I know there are people who claim Dude Ranch is still their best album but those people are just trying to be different and difficult. I love Dude Ranch (teehee) but let's not start crowning it blink's best, ok?)

I was reading something- maybe it was a Reddit thread, maybe it was an article, I can't remember. But it was talking about how bands rarely make the best albums of their lives after they make it to the top because all the good songs are written during the struggle period. Blink can't write Enema of the State now, because they are all old, married, and have kids. They can't write the "Untitled" album now because they aren't dealing with the stress, anxiety, and drug addictions. But I do think the new album will have deep themes- Mark has battled cancer, Tom has been divorced, and Travis was kidnapped by the Kardashians. And it will likely also have some fun tracks- after all, they are still the same band that sings about fucking a dog in the ass. That's not going to change.

So one more time, welcome back Tom and the real blink-182. Can't wait for the summer and the warped Spring at MSG.