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Rex Grossman Telling The Jets He Needs A Couple Weeks To Get Ready Because He's Dealing With An Injury Suffered During Training Is Why Rex Is The Best

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You know that first hot day of the Spring, the day you realize “oh fuck, I never actually got into shape this past winter and now I’m fucked”, you probably then do a few push ups, maybe eat right for a few days, all in an empty attempt to shape up before beach season arrives. That’s how I imagine this call going for Rex Grossman. Just pure panic that he hasn’t done a single physical activity in over a year.


“Hi Rex, we’d like you to come in for a try out”


*Rex kicks over a pizza box and beer can, wipes crumbs off his belly*


“Ummm yeah guys, I can do that, I’m just dealing with an injury I suffered during ummm training, yup, training injury, trained too hard”.



*End Scene*


God I hope he or Kyle Orton make it back this year, don’t let all my heroes die, please.


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