Karen Silversmith, Daughter Of The Man Who Designed The Lombardi Trophy, Hasn’t Slept In TWO DAYS Since Tom Brady Desecrated The Trophy
I know what a lot of you are thinking. “Huh?” “Is this some sort of sick joke?!” “No chance that’s a real person who gets to vote on the same issues as I do.”
But I’m here to tell you, Mrs. Silversmith is one thousand percent correct on this issue. You think they treat any other trophy with the reckless abandon exhibited by Tom Brady this week? Not a chance. Did Tiger ever wear his Green Jacket inside a Perkins waitress? Find me one example of something outlandish happening to Lord Stanley’s Cup and I’ll give you a hearty pat on the back. She hasn’t slept all week after these acts of treason. I’m not saying Roger Goodell should launch a full scale investigation into Tom Brady for this, heavens no. But launched into orbit via catapult or, perhaps, trebuchet? Over disrespecting the fine silversmiths that helped build this great country of ours? Feels fair.
Paul Revere was a silversmith and the very first first responder this country ever knew. At a certain point you really have to wonder how many times one man can turn his back on the patriots.