The Barstool Fund - Chicago Teacher
Up next: Chicago Teacher (Chicago, IL)
Chicago Teacher Inc. is a traditional teacher store for educators and parents. You will find classroom decorations and supplies, curriculum supplements, manipulatives, puzzles, and crafts - all to engage and inspire children in the learning process.
Reader Email
Hello, I’m writing because my small shop- Chicago Teacher Store - is on its last leg. We can’t make it much longer after 9 months of this. You mention restaurants over and over in your video. What about my small teacher store? It is a shop that sells educational
Supplies for teachers and classrooms and as long as schools are not in session, teachers are not purchasing. It’s been devastating. It really does seem like there is so much attention on restaurants and bars and my little shop gets overlooked. No one thinks of the small independent shops.
Chicago Teacher Store been around for 24 years! Yes, 24 years. And we have 4 part time employees. We need help with rent, payroll, and payroll taxes.
I would appreciate consideration in your effort to help small businesses.
Belinda Carucci