The Barstool Fund - Fiesta Banquets
Up next: Fiesta Banquets (Wood-Ridge, NJ)
Spacious, elegant, flexible … from intimate ceremonies to fairytale weddings, gala dinner receptions to fundraisers, annual banquets to executive meetings, Fiesta provides a striking setting for impressive weddings, corporate and social events.
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For 70 years our family has worked day and night to keep this family dream alive. We annually host countless events for local businesses, political organizations, all departments of law enforcement and fire departments. And, all types of family events from weddings to funerals. For 70 years my family has worked 100% hands on with all our events. We hold roughly 800 events in our building a year. We set them all up, see them thru with unwavering dedication to quality, break them down and set up for the mornings event. At this moment it’s 4 close cousins that know our parents retirements along with countless other long time, dedicated employees are relying on us. Our property taxes are high and we’ve pleaded with our local government to lower them and it just falls on deaf ears. They simply don’t care. For decades we threw FREE events for our town and now they’ve all but forgotten us.