Bob McKenzie Still Gets "Blamed" For The '93 Leafs Not Winning The Cup After He Pissed Gretzky Off
We had the hockey media legend himself Bob McKenzie on this week's Spittin' Chiclets and he did not disappoint. He told a few outstanding stories and this might have been the best of the lot.
After writing that Wayne Gretzky looked like he was skating around "with a piano on his back" during the 1993 Campbell Conference Finals, Bobby Margs found out that Team 99 was not at all happy with him. The piece fired up Gretzky into playing "the greatest game of hockey he's ever played" in Game 7 and he almost-singelhandedly put the L.A. Kings in the Stanley Cup Final for the first time ever.
28 years later and Bob McKenzie still occasionally gets grief for "costing" the Maple Leafs a Stanley Cup that they didn't even play in.
He also broke the 'Whitney to Edmonton' trade...
(Low-key best part of this interview was hearing him drop F-bombs.)
Watch the entire episode below...