I Watched The Sopranos Pilot In Honor Of Its 22nd Birthday Yesterday & I Forgot How Weird It Was
Yesterday was one of the best birthdays around. I think my birthday is pretty cool (August 11th, 1996 for those keeping track at home), I think Jesus' birthday is pretty cool because we all get some presents, yet frankly I think the birthday of a television show may be just a little bit cooler.
And what's a great way to celebrate a birthday? By honoring the very person who's birthday it is-sure I would've loved to purchase a fictional television show a cake but in lieu of that I just decided to watch the pilot once that abomination of a football game hit halftime.
It's extremely odd to hear Tony narrating the show as it's pretty much the only time this ever happened. I'm pretty sure I've read they did the pilot and then took nearly 2 years to make the rest of the season during which James Gandolfini learned a WAY thicccccer accent which is just a thrill.
There's a lot of funny parts of the pilot but the #1 easily has to be Tony, Paulie, and Pussy acting like Silvio is some random old friend of theirs when he shows up to Satriale's to, quite literally, get the gabagool. It's also not even called Satriale's in the pilot. Weird stuff all around.
And then ya got Meadow being the absolute MEANEST child just refusing to go hangout with Carmela in favor of a ski trip with Hunter Scangarelo. I could not care any less about hearing how important a ski trip to Vail is anymore. Really can't.
And of course there's some hilarious moments that you forget like Tony actually complaining about Junior telling him he never had the makings of a varsity athlete to Melfi from that very first episode and this car chase scene outside an insurance building. There is no way in HELL that car chase happens in Season 4 or some shit. Couldn't be any less discreet.
Anyways I just needed to wish the Sopranos a happy belated birthday! I'm also live on Twitch playing Cod & talking Sopranos. Please come yell fan theories at me.