Watch Sarah Fuller Become The First Woman To Score A Point In Power 5 History
Two weeks ago, Sarah Fuller made history as the first woman to play in a P5 game with a squib kick that was probably the most-watched squib kick in the history of football.
Today, she did what we all wanted to see a few weeks ago, but couldn't because of how bad Vandy was: kick a FG or XP:
Absolutely automatic. Split 'em with ease. Congrats to her!!! The first woman to score a point in Power 5 history!
To celebrate she went full #FootballGuy….just one of the guys.
For some reason Vandy didn't let her attempt a field goal later in the game, instead opting to go with someone named Pierson Cooke from 39 yards out. Don't really understand that move. We'll see if they get in closer range in the 2nd half. We got a kickoff, we got an extra point, now I want a field goal .