
Look At My Guy Uncle Stevie Mixing It Up With Mets Season Ticket Holders At Citi Field Today!

The. People's. Owner. Right now Steve Cohen should be on some Caribbean island that he just bought straight cash on a cold, rainy Saturday like this in New York. Instead he's mixing it up with the riff raff and handing out gift bags to people in the middle of Flushing, Queens. On the Shabbos during Hanukkah in the middle of a global pandemic no less! The Mets are truly the MLB team for the common man, by the extremely super duper rich and smart and wonderful yet ruthless if you are competing against him common man.

Can you imagine the Wilpons doing something like this? 

*thinks about it for a second*

Actually, the Wilpons meeting and greeting Mets fans in recent years almost definitely would have resulted in one of us savages in the fanbase going full Cousin Eddie by tying up Jeff Wilpon, slapping a giant bow on him, and bringing that mamaluke to their house where he would likely be torn to shreds by a pack of World Series hungry hyenas.

Giphy Images.

God it's nice to have an owner who not only cares about winning but about what the fans think about him. It's gotten to the point where fans of other teams or no teams at all are thinking about taking the orange and blue, which would have been like signing up for a terminal disease during the Wilpon Era.

If the Mets land Coach Duggs as a fan, you can call it a wrap. Because not only has that man led teams to National Championships no matter the size of their conference but the amount of good juju you get from having another jolly unit like Duggs will be too much for the rest of baseball to compete with even before Uncle Stevie starts signing those checks to free agents.

P.S. If you are reading this Uncle Stevie, please put a heavier jacket on, even if what you are wearing is made out of some futuristic materials that only rich people can buy. I don't need my God catching a cold right now.