
New York City Is Alive And Thriving!

I don't know who this guy is, what he is doing, why the hell he is doing it, or when this video was taken. All I know is that it was done in the Bronx by a dude with no rhyme or reason or regard for anything, which means the spirit of New York has never been more alive. Broadway may be closed by this god awful pandemic, but the show must go on. I suppose a dude walking across duct taped 2x4s in his undies doesn't quite have the high society feel as Alexander Hamilton crushing bars. But there is something beautifully New York about a guy putting his life on the line to entertain the common folk while also wearing a mask so they don't catch any of the viruses he may have caught from falling in the rat-infested tracks which have to be worse for your body than COVIDs 1-20. 

Stay safe and stay sane out there everybody!