
Steve Kornacki Was Born To Break Down Numbers On A Touch Screen Board

NFL fans across the nation were treated to some touch screen wizardry last night when Steve Kornacki joined the Sunday Night Football broadcast to break down the playoff picture.  For some, it was perhaps their first time meeting Kornacki on their television screen. For others, you saw Steve Kornacki more than you've seen any of your family members just a month ago when he was doing the big board for MSNBC during the election coverage. 

Steve Kornacki had numbers and data on more counties across the country than I'm sure most states even knew they had. Dude was BUZZING up there. So much so that I'm pretty sure MSNBC had to hire security to drag his ass out of the building because he simply refused to step away from the board. He was trying to do like 72 hours straight on TV up at the board. It was at the point where you had to start wondering if Steve Kornacki had a touch screen board addiction. 

You lock this man in a room with a giant board with a bunch of percentages and a few different outcomes to work with, Steve Kornacki could stay there forever. Because it's what he was born to do. Many folks go through life never figuring out exactly what they want or what they are supposed to do. They go through the motions of waking up, getting a shitty cup of coffee on their way to work, go crunch some numbers in an office all day, get caught in traffic on their way home, eat a hastily put together meal for dinner, and start thinking about all the possibilities of what a fulfilling life would be like as they lay their head to rest at night. 

But not Steve Kornacki. This guy knows exactly what he was put on this Earth to do, and he's doing the damn thing. I just can't believe he didn't take the chance to throw in a Maricopa County reference when talking about Arizona in the NFC playoff picture. 

Steve Kornacki. Addicted to percentages and projections. 
