Nobody Has Ever Been As Excited As This Dad Finding Out His Kid Just Made The Basketball Team
You know what's fucked up? I was talking to a few people about "old school Barstool blogs" vs "how we blog now". Back in the day, we could say anything we wanted. Everyone knew every word we typed was meant to be a joke. Not to be taken seriously. Honestly, we weren't even ALLOWED to blog videos like this one unless we were making fun of it. We couldn't post this video and be like "look how happy he is for his son! I bet his son worked hard and made the team, how great! Go out and be the best you can be today!". Literally would get fired if we wrote some bullshit like that.
And so this video triggered something in me because my first thought was "I guess his son sucks at basketball if he's that shocked he made the team". But now if you type that on the internet the outrage machine gets mad at you. But it's true. He's WAY too excited for his kid. Like, insultingly so. It's like when my friends see me talking to a girl at a bar and they ask me 100 times if I'm *positive* that girl isn't my cousin. It's like holy shit, is it that far-fetched that I'm talking to a pretty girl? That's what happened in this video. Like my god, how bad must he be at sports to get a ticker-tape parade for making the 7th grade basketball team? I'm going to get back to blogging that way.