Kids Leaving Their Deployed Father Messages Via The Ring Doorbell Recordings Will Absolutely Melt Your Soul Into A Patriotic Puddle
When I say that this is the sweetest thing I've seen in months, I mean it. This video ALMOST made me glad that I've been home with my kids these last few months. The way that technology has changed deployments is beyond wild. Im honestly not sure which is harder: more or less. When I was gone to some remote areas, we didn't have access to the internet for weeks at a time. Lots of the folks deployed now can connect via zoom or facetime. In some ways, I think that would be harder but worth it. My kid was 2 at the time I left and didn't know who I was when I came home 10 months later. Not great. She knows who I am now tho which is pretty cool.
Getting those notifications in the middle of the night and hearing your loving children on their way to or from school would rip your heart out. When you see videos like this, you want all the men and women home. Every last one.
On the bright side of this video, at least no one added sad music to it. Try watching that shit with some subtle creed in the background. Impossible.