Kate Upton Posted Justin Verlander Lipsynching "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" Because You Just Know She Still Hates Him For The Fappening
“Oh hey Justin, I’m going to post this video of you because we’re besties! Like that time you came on some chick’s stomach and took pictures of it and then it leaked and everyone found out I’m one of the hottest women in the world and still can’t keep a man from straying? Classic best friend hijinks! Or when you had all those photos of me on your iCloud because you didn’t download them all off your iPhone and put them in a folder no one would check called Yahoo Messenger and then everyone saw my tits and belly and basically made me hate the public and all of social media? Lol! #justbestiesthings”
Anyway happy belated National Best Friends Day to these two. Excited to see Verlander doing the “Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me” tuck dance for International Romance Day.