
Prepare For The Eastern Conference Finals With A Shit Ton Of Celtics Hype Videos

Normally around this time we'd be talking about whatever basketball game was on last night, but because the Rockets are cowards and couldn't win more than 1 game, last night was an off night. Fine by me. That just means we shift gears and get our day started with another bath of Celtics hype videos to help get your blood pumping for tonight. That's right, Game 1 of the ECF has arrived. If you didn't think this blog was coming you clearly haven't been paying attention this postseason. Success in the playoffs is all about superstitions and we're doing this every goddamn round because it's clearly working. You can't prove it isn't.

So sit back, hit play, and let the adrenaline flow through you. Game 1 baby. Let's fucking get it

