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We're Dumpster Diving, Baby Making, Loud Mouth Barbarians And We Want The Rangers

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We’re fucking in the parking lot after games. Conceiving children to carry the torch as next generation barbarians. We’re diving through dumpsters outside the Coliseum. Are we looking for memorabilia or are we looking for food and shelter? I’m not really sure its a toss up.  We’ve defended our Fort and now its time for our viking ship to row right down to DC and finish off the Capitals. The Nassau County savages are going right down into our nation’s capital and we’re ending their season.

Because this team wants the Rangers more than they want anything. This team wants the chance to prove they’re the best team in New York. I want to end the Rangers precious little Cup Run more than I want the actual Stanley Cup itself. Tonight, we stomp on Eric Nathan’s heart, send Ovechkin and the Capitals back home for the offseason, and strike the fear of God into Rangers fans. We’re coming…


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