Jim Norton Gives a Tutorial On How To Take a Dick Pic
If there is one person who I trust teaching me how to take a dick pic, it’s definitely lil Jimmy Norton. Because when it’s all said and done, he might hold the world record for most unsolicited dick pics ever sent. I’d trust Norton to teach me pretty much anything. I hope he continues making tutorial videos like how to pick up a hooker, how to heat up soup, or how to blow his friend under the porch.
(I highly suggest listening to the Monster Rain story.)
PS: If you aren’t a Jim Norton guy, become one. He’s probably most known in Internet Land as the guy in this video:
He does a character called Chip Chipperson who just ruins jokes and makes everything awkward, like seen above. If you ever want to go down a YouTube rabbit hole, Chip Chipperson is the way to go. Then you’ll go around Chipp’n people and everyone will hate you and it’s great. Also Norton’s standup is great, he’s always been great on now defunct Opie and Anthony show (I don’t listen to the Opie show), and all around he’s just the best. I’ll now take his cock out of my mouth.
PS: Don’t be an idiot, watch his new special on EPIX on April 24 at 10 PM ET/PT, 9 Central. Pants optional.