Drunk Golf Fan Refuses To Leave His Hat Behind After The Wind Blows It Into The Water
A lot of words come to mind after watching that video. Hero is the one I’d use. The guy loves that hat. Can’t blame him for not wanting to lose it. It’s too bad he lost his beer though. I’m sure he’ll buy a few more at the clubhouse. I can only imagine what he told those people in the cart when they drove up to him. I imagine them saying, “Sir, please don’t go in the water. It’s just a hat. You’re hammered” and him yelling back at them, “It’s not about the hat! It’s about the principle of the thing! I’ll be damned if I’m gonna be robbed by some stupid pond. I love this hat. And you’re hammered, not me. Boom roasted.” Nobody said heroic efforts had to be graceful either. That face plant when he finally got out of the water was all heart.
PS- Another word I’d use after watching that video: jealous. It’s 70 degrees and sunny here and all I wanna do is be on a golf course. I wanna be on a golf course and be so hammered that I’ll sprint into the water to retrieve my hat.