Cute Aussie Chick Went Back At Some Fat Racist Lady For Trashing A Muslim Couple On The Train
Good for this girl. I tend to think most people are adults and can fight their own battles but the other lady was clearly not looking to back down and sometimes it’s nice to see someone just do what’s right. No one deserves to get shat all over on a train just because they’re a different religion or nationality than you. Plus if you look like this:
And you’re going up against this:
It’s pretty much a no-brainer. Tolerant blonde Aussie with a rack versus racist in Bozo the Clown pants with Hillary Clinton cankles seems like a real easy battle to me.
For what it’s worth, stereotyping is awful and all and I’m sure this couple are super nice but when this Stacey Eden girl kept interrupting the Muslim dude, I’m not sure all her good intentions carried a lot of weight:
That’s an “I appreciate the sentiment but if you interrupt me there’s a basket full of rocks and approximately five feet of sand coming your way” glance if I’ve ever seen one. Hey, progress is a marathon, not a sprint.
(via Ladbible)