Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Decoy In 2 Pictures
From This
To This
So people remember that I blogged this Decoy App last week. Well I’ve been making slush panties ever since. Like I don’t want to brag but I got the most savage Decoy game on the market. As a reminder you basically you take a photo, then you take another photo that you’ll use as a decoy. Only someone who has your password can see the original hidden pic, everyone else just sees the decoy picture. So when somebody randomly takes your phone and is scrolling through your pictures they won’t see you dick slanging it next to your dog or mom. Anyway the above two pictures are my 1-2 Decoy punch. Picture going from one to the next of these photose. From the fun loving family man picture to the sex panther. Never seen it go 0-100 so fast. That’s the power of Decoy on full display..