17 Year Old Gets Pepper Sprayed And The Shit Tased Out Of Him Because He Won't Listen To Cops Without Mommy Present
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Holy fuck that was awesome. Cops have been in the media a lot recently, and not exactly for the best reasons, but it’s great to see when they get it right and handle a situation perfectly. When you’ve got a 17 year old who refuses to obey orders because I guess he thinks unless you can buy porn then you don’t have to listen to cops, you pepper spray his ass. Then you tase him. Then you tase him again and watch him squeal like a pig. I guess the internet thinks this is an abuse of power or some shit but I couldn’t disagree more. This kid has had this coming for years. You don’t just become this mama’s boy at 17, he’s been it his whole life. He was the kid who whined to mommy teachers were mean to him, that coach benched him, that kids didn’t pass the ball at recess. He was the whiny little son of a bitch that everyone hated. So I really don’t know if this is proper protocol for police officers, but I don’t care. This kid has deserved this day for over a decade.