This Picture Of Kids Playing on the Vietnam Memorial As Vets Were Right There Is Heartbreaking (And The Kids and Parents Should Be Punted To Mars)
WTOP - A photo an Ohio man snapped showing two kids climbing on one of D.C.’s Vietnam memorials in front of veterans is going viral and prompting public outcry. Visiting from northern Ohio, illustrator and photographer Matthew Munson was at the Vietnam Women’s Memorial — part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial — on Saturday when he saw two children climbing on the statue that honors the thousands of women who risked their lives to care for the wounded and dying during the Vietnam War. The kids were encouraged to do so by their parents who wanted to get a picture, Munson says. “I didn’t see anything wrong with it at the time, until the kids really weren’t focused on taking a picture, and they were just dancing and playing around like a jungle gym,” says Munson, who — just a few months ago — finished five years of service with the Marine Corps. “What really bothered me was that the parents were right there and they were just watching and laughing.” Munson took a photo of the kids ascending the 15-foot-tall statue as visitors walk by — one of whom seems to be a veteran in a wheelchair. He says a group of veterans were at the site when the kids were on the statue. “I could see how hurt [the veterans] were. It was a very powerful moment. It was very awkward to see that kind of contrast,” he says.
I mean when it comes down to it, people are just fucking dumb. We allow anyone with a vagina to pop out as many kids as they want. They go into the hospital at 17 and pop out a few kids, and nothing is done about it. We need to start filling up vaginas with cement so shit like this doesn’t happen. It’s just so fucking ridiculous that a parent this fucking stupid is in control of the lives of children. I don’t even blame the kids here, they are dumb as dirt. They don’t know shit. They have no idea what they are doing. They will get pushed through the school system, pop out retard kids of their own, and the circle of life will continue. It’s depressing. And right in front of the vets faces too, as the mother just looks on, clueless and without a single ounce of control.
There is a group of people are are saying “let kids be kids”. I think there’s a time and a place for letting kids be kids, and dancing all over a memorial for Vietnam is not one of them. Call me old fashioned, but take your kids to a playground. Or these kids to the nearest shark infested waters. Whatever. Let’s just not play on the memorials. Cool? Cool.