
All Of The New York Sports Teams Just Released A Video That Will Give You Goosebumps On Top Of Your Goosebumps

I didn't think a tweet on the @Mets Twitter account (and every New York sports team's Twitter accounts) would give me goosebumps this morning, but here we are. Tears? Maybe. Unmitigated rage? Perhaps. But I didn't think goosebumps were on the @Mets menu today.

However, that's exactly what we got because New York City is in the middle of the biggest crisis I have ever seen in my life for the second time this century. And just like after 9/11, sports is going to be a big part of the recovery. I still get that weird feeling in my stomach with maybe a little bit of water in the eyes when I rewatch that Piazza home run almost 20 years later and hopefully one of the local sports teams gives us a moment that can come anywhere close to that (preferably not the Yankees though). 

We give this city a lot of shit because it's an overcrowded, overpriced, over-run by garbage and vermin plot of land. But it's the unofficial capital of the world for a reason and the people that keep coming back for more no matter what are the reason why (along with a shiiiiiiitload of money). We will bounce back from this shit and resume being locked in a civil war based on our smattering of local sports teams. But until then, stay safe, stay sane, and stay home while the real heroes in the hospitals nurse try to nurse everyone back to health before our sports heroes can do the same for our psyche. Hopefully sooner rather than later. And give the Buffalo teams a break. They have always been our brothers North of The Wall. We are in this pandemic together, no matter how dumb and annoying their "The Bills are the only football team in New York" comments are.

Also, credit to me for not pointing out that The Empire State Building wasn't featured in either frame that said We Are New York because he is a traitorous bitch that reps rival teams of New York sports team despite having the motto of the state in his name like a big old frontrunning bitch. #WeAreNewYorkExceptEmpy
