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Baseball Is Off And Running In Taiwan And We've Got Our First Professional Homer Of 2020

Baseball is off and running in China Taiwan!

I need to get something off my chest right now before we get into baseball. I tweeted this clip out, and saw that it was from the CHINESE Professional Baseball League, so I tweeted, "We are playing baseball in China. There is hope." I'm thinking to myself, wow! Baseball fans are gonna go nuts over this clip. Baseball is back! At least, somewhere it is. Everyone's gonna be so excited over this development! There's a beacon of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel, a reason not to give up! What do I get in my mentions? Six hundred people telling me that this was in Taiwan.

Dude, whooooo giiiiiives a fuuuuuuck! I do not care, geographically, where this is happening. It doesn't matter. All I know is that it is happening somewhere on planet earth. We are playing professional baseball right now. That's all that matters. Yet, I've got people tweeting me like, "It would take TEN seconds of research to find out that the CPBL is in Taiwan!" Excuse ME for going out on a limb and thinking that the Chinese Professional Baseball League was in China. It's not. It's in Taiwan. Outstanding. Now that we've got that all cleared up, can we talk about how great this is as it pertains to having a Major League Baseball season in 2020?

One thing that stood out to me, though -- feels a little soon to be doing high-fives. We might have to bang high-fives for 2020 and circle back next year. Whatever it takes to get the season not just going, but chugging along until the final out of the World Series. It's not about bringing sports back no matter what; it's about bringing sports back and keeping these players, coaches, umpires and their families safe while doing so.

Also, no fans. You might've noticed that. Maybe you're numb to seeing empty ballparks in baseball social media clips if you're a fan of a small market team. That's a rant for another day. But as much as that's going to suck from a fan standpoint, I'm gonna take what I can get. It's about the safety of the players, coaches and fans first. Entertainment comes second. I'll just be happy to see live baseball games on my TV. I wonder if I can loophole that process with a press pass, though. I'll get back to you on that.

Anyway, we've got LIVE BASEBALL. Somewhere (shout out Taiwan). It is happening. Let's hope that means it's going to be happening over here sooner rather than later because I SUCK at Rock, Paper, Scissors and these lost wagers are stacking up on me big time. Brock Holt on Monday at 3pm.