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Calling All College Kids Who Want To Get Involved With The Stool - Join The Barstool Viceroy Program


Someone at Barstool HQ has been on or perusing some SAT Vocabulary books or some shit. I don’t know where the fuck we came up with this Viceroy business, but here’s what its all about:

We want Barstool twitter account based on all the major college campuses across the country. We’re looking for a Stoolie at each of these schools who has a good feel for what Barstool does and has their finger on the pulse of their campus. We want to find someone who will be tweeting out pictures from all the biggest events at school – important sporting events, the major parties, spring weekends, big news stories etc etc. Kmarko is your King and you’ll be his general on the ground at important locations all over the country. You’ll be his eyes and ears and you’ll show the world what your school is all about.

So if you’re a college kid active in social media and you’ve wanted to get down with the Stool, here’s your chance.

To apply for the job fill out this brief application