Maryland Dad Beat His 15 Year Old Daughter's Teacher With a Baseball Bat Because They Had Been Texting
Fox - A father of a Maryland high school student attacked a teacher with a bat, after police say the teacher exchanged inappropriate texts with the student. The parents of the 15-year-old Perry Hall high school student had allegedly found dozens of texts between the 42-year-old man and the girl. Police described them as emotional and inappropriate. The girl’s mother told the police but police said no crime had been committed. The teacher then showed up to the home unannounced Thursday morning to speak to the father. After the father asked him to leave and the teacher refused, the father struck him with a baseball bat.
Wait, you’re allowed to do that, right? Like in the court of law, judge and jury of your peers, the dad is the 100% innocent of any wrongdoing, correct? I think when a 42 year old creeper is texting your daughter, anything goes. That’s just the way the law works I believe. If a 42 year old didn’t want to get his brains smashed in by a bat, maybe he shouldn’t have been texting a 15 year old “emotional and inappropriate” texts. Fucking shivers reading that description of the texts.
And the fucking craziness of the teacher to go to the guy’s house to talk to the dad? Like, did he not expect to have his head Ken Griffey’d to the moon? What a fucking idiot. I’m actually mad his head is still attached to his neck.