Reader Email - What Should The Punishment Be For Pulling This Move At The Airport?
Reader Email
This has to be the cockiest most frustrating move I’ve seen in awhile. It took 25 minutes to find 2 seats together.
This move is so preposterous I’m having a hard time believe it’s real. Like yeah I see the guy laying on the seats, but I just refuse to believe there were no other seats available. Hitler wouldn’t pull a stunt like that. And also how big of a pussy do you have to be not to just tell this guy to move or throw him on the floor if he won’t move? It just doesn’t add up for me. The only thing I know for sure is this guy is a protester. These are the types of people who would lie across 4 seats at a crowded airport. Just not giving a damn about the rest of society and thinking everybody owes them a favor.