Reader Email - Cool Story Of Varitek Thanking Our Military (And A Bonus McLovin Story)
Reader Email
My buddies and I have written to you guys before when we were in Kabul Afghanistan and you guys used are pictures (thank you for recognizing us). But I have a story that I felt I had to share with you guys.
My unit got home from AFG. last April and I was selected along with 19 other RI service members to attend the Pats game yesterday which was an honor. Collete Vacations gave up their box seats for us which was mint. That is just the start. I will just give you guys the highlights of what occurred next. We on the field for pregame and during pregame I met a real hero SSG Pitts Massachusetts own medal of honor winner. While we were in the corner of the Lions part of the field Golden Tate took time out of his warm ups to shake every service member in that corners hand, which resulted in over twenty.
After pregame 20 RI service members were in the box watching the game and at one point I recognized Jason Varitek in the box next to us. I thought that was pretty cool since I was a huge fan of his. In the fourth quarter Varitek and his smoke of a wife came into our box and introduced himself as Jason. He told us that we were the real heros and he just played a game. Then his wife proceeded to buy two bottles of Jack Daniels for multiple rounds of shots for the box. During a toast Mrs. Tek stated to be proud of the support we got and thank us and our families, followed by “fuck Obama”. This was well received. This then lead to her wanting to take us out for dinner. Which I thought couldn’t be real. Did I mention she was the definition of a milf? Sure as hell she had us all after the game go to Howl at the Moon in Patriot Place.
Once we got there we were greeted by Mike Napoli. Then out of no where came McLovin from Superbad. During the whole time we were with Tek he was in aw of us as we were in aw of him. He made us feel like celebrities which I never imagine would ever happen. At one point Tek was in the bathroom with myself and my staff sgt, he was just like one of the guys. As we walked out a girl (drunk) wanted a picture and my buddy SSG offered to take it for her. She then gave orders to my SSG in a drunken manner which we took no offense to but Tek did. The best line I have heard in a long time came. Tek looked right at that girl and said “do you talk to him like that he protect us and gives you your freedom”. Then to top it off Tek remembered everyone’s name and said good by with a hug and proceeded to tell us that Napoli picked up the bill which was several rounds of drinks and a ton of food. Napoli was gone before we could even say good bye. There is a lot good and bad stories about athletes but Tek made my day worth going to Afghanistan and I would do again.
Thanks for reading this, I attached some photos so you can believe what occurred.
CPT Rodney Moreau
Very cool story. All you do is hear bad athlete stories so nice to hear a good one like this. I really don’t have much to add to it, but thought it was worth sharing.
PS – Apparently Napoli and McLovin are BFF’s now. Also heard through the grapevine McLovin banged a former smoke last night and refused to re-enact the “Oh My God It’s In” line mid fuck. Fucking McLovin. Stop taking yourself so seriously dude.