
1st Lonnie Quinn Sleeves Update Of Winter Storm Juno - Threat Level: 3

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Folks we havent even started snowfall and Lonnie Quinn’s sleeves are just below the elbow. Do you know what that means? That means we’re FUCKED. Everyone in New York knows the true barometer for a storm’s potential is Lonnie’s sleeve level. Forget about radars and meteorology models and shit. Take one look at Lonnie’s sleeves and you know what you’re in store for.

So the fact that Sunday night at 11pm is a 3 quarter sleeve roll means we might all be dead by Wednesday. Those Teen Wolf arms out there for the cameras to see basically spells Armageddon. By Tuesday morning I expect Threat Level 5 – him in a guinea T with full arms exposed. Brace yourselves for 30 inches, folks. Lonnie’s sleeves say so.