
This Video Of D. Wade Watching 'The Decision' And Saying He Had No Idea LeBron Was Joining The Heat Is The Biggest Lie Ever

Yeah, okay.

I'm sure one of LeBron's best friends and the face of the Miami Heat franchise had NOOOOOOOOO idea what LeBron was going to do. I bet they never even talked about the possibility of joining the Heat. I'm assuming this is based on the documentary he has 10 years in the making: 

All I know is this is the biggest lie I've ever seen and I've seen guys shorter than me claim they are 6'0". There's 0 chance LeBron can keep a secret. There's 0 chance that Pat Riley wouldn't tell Wade at a minimum. There's a free agency plan here obviously, you have to do some sort of negotiating. 

I will say the dig at how long The Decision was compared to Wade waiting to get drafted was a nice jab. But don't tell me you didn't know LeBron was coming, what are we doing here? This is just the biggest lie in the history of lies. Remember the day before LeBron announced, Chris Bosh and Wade signed their deals. Yeah, that just happens without LeBron or knowledge of the situation.