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Best Scene From Last Night's "The Watchers And The Wall" Episode Of Game Of Thrones

Obviously spoilers ahead, but comments are shut off so you don’t need to worry about spoilers.

Last night was the most expensive episode in the history of Game of Thrones. And when you see shit like this, you understand why. Giants riding woolly mammoths firing massive bow and arrows. CGI creating a thousand foot wall while 2 battles rage on the North and South sides. Massive swinging blades wiping Wildings off the side of The Wall. Hammers through heads, arrows through the neck. It was a visually stunning 45 minute bloodbath.

And thank God it was. Because I gotta be honest – up until this episode I didn’t give a fuck about The Wall or the characters involved in that entire portion of the plot. The only time Jon Snow wasn’t putting me to sleep was when he was eating out his badass Ginger bitch. (By the way, Jon Snow pretty much invented eating puss in the world of Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms right? I don’t think anybody out there was going down on chicks. I definitely think the Dothrakis got their dicks sucked. If there’s a hole, their dicks were going in there. And Tyrion has probably done cool shit I’ve never even heard of with the hookers at Kings Landing. But I think Jon Snow is the only dude out there giving mustache rides.) Other than that the whole story line at the Wall/The North is always a snooze. You get a White Walker sighting once or twice a season, and thats it.

Now I understand the book nerds would chime in here telling me how important The Wall is and how the impending threat of the White Walkers is dire. I get that the Wildings vs The Crows and the fate of the Wall is important. But the first 4 seasons of TV at the Wall just has not made for good TV. The only way I was gonna enjoy an entire episode focused on The Nights Watch was to make it into a fucking stunning action sequence. And thats exactly what they did. That Giant firing his gigantic arrow was flat out awesome. The way the camera panned around the scene at the South Gate in one elongated shot with no cuts reminded me of the scene in True Detective when Crash was raiding the stash house in the ghetto. (Of course, its different when its CGI vs real life but still had that same vibe nonethless) The men leaning over the wall to pick off the Wildings climbing to the top. Those bald cannibal guys just fucking demolishing people with their axes. For a brief moment, Game of Thrones became strictly an action movie for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Didn’t have the same affect as the Battle of Blackwater, which so many people are comparing it to. Primarily because I don’t give a shit about the characters here. Sir Alliser’s big speech didn’t rile me up. Ginger taking an arrow from that little kid and dying in Jon Snow’s arms was “meh.” I just don’t have the emotional investment in this story line. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the writers and creators of the show flexing their muscles a bit in the special effects action department. Gets me excited to think about the day we finally see the White Walkers in action. Giants on Wooly Mammoths are just the tip of the iceberg for the shit we’ll see battling eventually.

PS – My 2 huge issues with this episode are 1) There was absolutely no resolution. Nobody won or lost. Just basically a whole episode ending right during a break in the battle. 2) Not showing the battle between Jon Snow’s boy and the Giant in the tunnel. That guy with the beard is sneaky one of the most badass, honorable guys in the whole show. He deserved a better ending than an off camera death. We should have gotten to see him take that Giant out while sacrificing himself.