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It Is Not Fun Investing Yourself In A Team, Duke Loses

I have not stop live betting Duke since they have been down 11 in the first half. Not only did my favorite team lose at home, I lost over $500 on them. Im not just sad I am a sad poor. I am not going to bore you to death on how Matthew Hurt might as well be a folding chair on defense and that Cassius Stanley forgets he can jump over the entire team and needs to take over games.

When you think about it we are all fucking morons who love a team so much. I invest my life in every minute they play and then before you know it I haven’t showered all day and im laying on the floor upset in Duke gear because they lost. They’re just kids but man figure it the fuck out. You are Duke not the North Carolina Tarheels who won’t even make the NIT. We are deep as shit, I know this team can make a run this year but people have to step up soon. Can’t be having these problems come March so lets figure it out now.

This week has been a rough go at it for my emotions. Between Duke losing twice, I was at -$1800 all the way back to up 5 and all the way back to I have no idea where. Pray for me you rats.