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AB's New Rap Video Proves His Creative Genius

Antonio Brown is not well. Antonio Brown is out of a job. Antonio Brown... is a lyrical genius. He somehow, through wizardry, found a way to tell the world in his own unique way, how rich he is in a multitude of ways in his 2 minute video. 

1. Tell the world you're rich. Check. Say "I got a whole lotta money" 27 times in your song. 

2. Show the world you're rich. Check. Put LOTS of cash on multiple tables ALL over a big ass house. 

3. Imply how rich you are. Check. Have countless mostly naked women count said money in your big ass house while wearing ski masks. 

The ultimate irony of course is that AB not only HAS a whole lotta money, he LOST a whole lotta money to the tune of 40 million dollars in a dramatic fashion that only... ONLY a creative genius could achieve. 

Get this man a Grammy.