Kevin Harlan Just Delivered The Play-By-Play Call Of The Year, Perhaps The Decade
First off, fuck this black cat. Me, being a Giants fan, is fucking terrified of this thing. It's not a coincidence that the Giants stalled out for a field goal, gave up a touchdown and then threw a pick immediately following this performance. But it did give us Kevin Harlan doing what Kevin Harlan does - deliver electricity in bizarre moments. Who could forget this call?
The man just knows how to deliver in big moments. He nailed the excitement on the touchdown call from the cat and then the 'alright, this thing is over let's move on' sounding at the end. Just perfection. Give Kevin Harlan all the awards. The only thing he missed was his go-to call. No regard for human life is a top-2 dunk call (only behind Raft's send it in)
And now before I'm even done this blog the Giants are losing at half. Fuck that cat.
PS: What the hell is it with Harlan and weird calls? Who could forget this one from a couple years ago?