
Reader Email - This Guy Works Out Harder Than You


Reader Email

I guess you could call this a normal day at the gym before this hardo decided to do a little stretching before he squatted 65lbs. I think he even pop, locked, and dropped it in his ritual. Call it Baby Huey’s resurrection. Regardless I figured I’d let my fellow stop lies take a look.



Know when you see guys who are way too into it in the gym? Screaming and throwing weights and doing full springs on the treadmill, sweating all over the place? And you’re just thinking, “Take it easy, bro. No need to go so hard.” That’s the exact opposite of the way I feel about this video. 65 pound squats? Either throw a few more plates on or go check if there’s any extra room in the step class in studio A bro.


PS – everything I said is null and void if he doesn’t have headphones in. Because of course I heard T. Swift, “22,” playing over the gym speakers. If that’s the music he’s hearing then break that sweat. Can’t blame a guy for dancing like a gay when Taylor Swift starts blaring. Only natural.