The Seasons That Gerrit Cole And Justin Verlander Just Had While Every Ball Was Juiced Were Legit Impossible
I think the Astros deserve a blog on this site. More specifically, Justin Verlander and Gerrit Cole deserve a blog on this site. Credit to me for putting aside my Yankees bias to do this.
It is downright fucking outrageous, impossible, illegal what those two pitchers did to baseball hitters this year. Something we haven’t seen since Schilling and Randy Johnson in the early 2000s. I mean two guys striking out 300 guys is bananas. Holding opponents to a .579 OPS is absurd. 67 starts between the two. Complete work horses. The numbers are laughable. In a year where balls were juiced more than Bonds himself during ’01, it’s unfathomable for two guys on the same team to do this. Like in 10 years there will be a full-on investigation by the CIA that will prove the Astros cheated during this era. I mean they just have to be. I don’t know what they did, but something is up. And it’s been up for a while.
By the way, I’ve never been more right about a guy in my life than Gerrit Cole. When he was being dangled by the Pirates at the deadline a few years ago I begged the Yankees to go get him. All I saw was Roger Clemens 2.0. Well, he’s fulfilled his destiny.
And ole’ Verlander wasn’t too bad himself.
If you have a Cy Young vote and don’t give your first or second place vote to either guy you should be sent to a deserted island and be forced to fend for yourself until you’re either killed by a tribe or die of hunger.
Now before you crown the Astros and give them the World Series before a game is played, remember that we’ve seen super rotations fall apart in October before. The 2014 Tigers had David Price, Max Scherzer, Verlander, and Porcello. Didn’t work out for them. Is this Astros rotation better? Without question. But weird things happen in October. Everything is a guarantee until it isn’t. Don’t get ahead of yourself.
P.S. How awesome must it be to be Gerrit Cole right now knowing you are about to get a dump truck of gold delivered to your house by someone in the offseason? He’s looking at the starting number of $200 million and that could climb up to $250 mill if someone decides to get crazy. Congrats to Amy Cole, you hit the jack pot.