The New World's Shortest Man, While Very Cocky, Is A Fraud
Huff Po – An elderly Nepali villager who stands just 16 inches tall has lofty aspirations to be named the world’s shortest man. Master Nau, 73, claims to be the shortest man in the Guinness World Records’ immovable category, which measures people who can not walk. Nau recently flew to Kathmandu, where he lobbied for the honor, according to the Telegraph. To obtain the distinction, Guinness officials will have to acknowledge his tiny feat. If he’s named as the smallest man, he’ll beat out his rival, a Taiwanese man who stands 27 inches tall. Nau lives with his younger brother’s family in Bhairahawa, 217 miles southwest of Kathmandu. “I am very happy,” Nau told the AFP. Nau’s niece, Seema Sheikh, says her uncle enjoys eating and music, but it can sometimes be challenging to go out in public.
Look do I appreciate the fact that this cat is 73 years old, 16 inches tall, and rolling around in his wheelchair riding dirty with his shades on? Do I think he’s a fucking boss because his name is fucking Master? Of course I do. I respect the shit out of all things.
But facts are facts this little fucker ain’t the World’s Shortest Man. Thats a half man. I ain’t talkin Peter Dinklage Half Man. I’m saying he’s literally half of a human. He doesn’t have a lower body. Looks like he’s just got a foot sticking out of his waist. That doesn’t count as a full man, I’m sorry. He’s 16 inches. He can be known as the the Worlds Shortest Half Man. Thats cool. But that ain’t fair to the current Worlds Shortest Man Chandra Bahadur Dangi. Thats my Taiwanese bro who’s 27 inches tall:
Thats a man’s man right there! Hiking through the desert with his stick. 2 mostly fully grown legs. Full upper torso and lower body. Thats the real World’s Shortest Man folks. Not Master Nau. I’m sorry I know its not a popular opinion its just a fact.