Reader Email - What's The Protocal On High Fiving Strangers At A Red Sox Game?
Reader Email
What’s the proper decorum on high fives at ball games? Sitting behind this guy must be awful, he’s over reaching here on a first inning triple no? Maybe go for 1 or 2, don’t search for a 5th.
Great question. Listen I’m not a high fiving strangers type of guy. I’m talking there is no chance anybody in getting a high five from me in April unless it’s a walk off. Even then maybe I don’t high five you. I’m a firm believer you shouldn’t be looking for high fives till September/playoffs at the earliest. So obviously I think this guy is as premature a high five guy as there can be. Like the reader said it’s the first fucking inning. Chill out dude. And the problem is if you high five him once you know he’s going to keep coming back for more. It’s like giving a dog treats or positive reinforcement. He’s going to be looking for high fives all game long now. Sucks. 60% chance he tries to start the wave too.