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It's Time For Jeopardy To Get Cancelled After These Contestants Couldn't Answer A Simple Question About The Sport Of The Future

Jeopardy is obviously coming off of a hot streak right now after sex icon Jeopardy James went on one of the biggest heaters the game has ever seen. The whole world was tuning in night after night to see what James would do next. And I can understand the idea behind wanting to see how long Jeopardy could ride out the wave created by Jeopardy James. But if this is the future generation of Jeopardy contestants? If this is the next batch just waiting in the lineup? Well I don’t see a single James here. In fact, I see the end of Jeopardy right in front of our very eyes.

I mean are you guys kidding me? I don’t even care if they didn’t know the answer to the question was “What is lacrosse?”. The clue was that it was a stick and BALL sport played in the SUMMER. I get that you can play hockey year round but nobody in the world would ever consider hockey to be a summer sport. So right off the bat, that first answer fucking sucked. And then curling? Curling??? Are you kidding me? Name me one time that you’ve seen curling play with a ball. At least for hockey you can say that maybe street hockey is sometimes played with a ball. But curling? That’s a broom and a stone, idiot.

But the fact of the matter is that lacrosse is the Sport of the Future. And if the contestants on Teen Jeopardy can’t even answer a simple question about it? Well then I don’t feel too confident about the future of Jeopardy. Consider Jeopardy officially cancelled. Or at least until they start showing some respect for the Creators Game.
